Dear Class of 2010,
As I can imagine, I am sure you all are already ready to graduate and it has only been six weeks into the school year. My advice is start touring and applying to colleges NOW. Touring colleges is one of the most important actions you MUST do during your senior year. I toured my top five schools that I was interested in and you will know when you walk on the campus and you see what the school has to offer, you will feel it inside your heart which school you BELONG at. Take the SAT or ACT as many times as you can, each time you take it, I guarantee your score will improve. Texas school's look at SAT while Oklahoma schools prefer to look at ACT. The schools that you are interested in look at the degree programs they have to offer and do research and see what the success rate in your department is. If you are not sure what your major is pick three that you are interested in, you can always change it. But when you are in college it is better to actually say your major is something than to say you are currently undecided. Your senior year do not completely blow off all your classes and grades because college is a rude AWAKENING. The work load and the amount of studying they expect you to do is a lot so PREPARE yourselves ahead of time and stay on top of your work. Get INVOLVED as much as you can and strive to make a DIFFERENCE your last year at Boswell, it is your LAST year to leave your MARK on the school and you want to leave a POSITIVE and INFLUENTIAL one. Do not decide to go to a college because it is a party school, or your mom and dad went there, or because your boyfriend and girlfriend is going there; decide on the school that you feel COMFORTABLE at. Decide early on if you want to rush at your school. I would only recommend rushing if you are emotionally prepared for it and you know what to EXPECT because for me it was one of the worst weeks of my life, but as I look back on it now I have met and made so many friends through it. Another IMPORTANT thing to think about is distance, how far away you are willing to be. Think about how often you want to come home. For me two and a half hours away is the perfect distance, it allows me to come home on the weekends which is BENEFICIAL when you need a break and an opportunity to get away from the stress of college. Finally my last advice is ENJOY your senior year and REMEMBER that it goes by so FAST! You will be graduating before you know it and then your last summer at home will come and before you know it you are packing up and LEAVING the life you have known for the past 18 years. It's a scary process, terrifying actually, but I promise you can do it and you will be just fine.