Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Letter From OU

Dear Class of 2010,
As I can imagine, I am sure you all are already ready to graduate and it has only been six weeks into the school year. My advice is start touring and applying to colleges NOW. Touring colleges is one of the most important actions you MUST do during your senior year. I toured my top five schools that I was interested in and you will know when you walk on the campus and you see what the school has to offer, you will feel it inside your heart which school you BELONG at. Take the SAT or ACT as many times as you can, each time you take it, I guarantee your score will improve. Texas school's look at SAT while Oklahoma schools prefer to look at ACT. The schools that you are interested in look at the degree programs they have to offer and do research and see what the success rate in your department is. If you are not sure what your major is pick three that you are interested in, you can always change it. But when you are in college it is better to actually say your major is something than to say you are currently undecided. Your senior year do not completely blow off all your classes and grades because college is a rude AWAKENING. The work load and the amount of studying they expect you to do is a lot so PREPARE yourselves ahead of time and stay on top of your work. Get INVOLVED as much as you can and strive to make a DIFFERENCE your last year at Boswell, it is your LAST year to leave your MARK on the school and you want to leave a POSITIVE and INFLUENTIAL one. Do not decide to go to a college because it is a party school, or your mom and dad went there, or because your boyfriend and girlfriend is going there; decide on the school that you feel COMFORTABLE at. Decide early on if you want to rush at your school. I would only recommend rushing if you are emotionally prepared for it and you know what to EXPECT because for me it was one of the worst weeks of my life, but as I look back on it now I have met and made so many friends through it. Another IMPORTANT thing to think about is distance, how far away you are willing to be. Think about how often you want to come home. For me two and a half hours away is the perfect distance, it allows me to come home on the weekends which is BENEFICIAL when you need a break and an opportunity to get away from the stress of college. Finally my last advice is ENJOY your senior year and REMEMBER that it goes by so FAST! You will be graduating before you know it and then your last summer at home will come and before you know it you are packing up and LEAVING the life you have known for the past 18 years. It's a scary process, terrifying actually, but I promise you can do it and you will be just fine.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Bystander Behavior


At the beginning of senior year during lunch my friends and I would always notice this girl named Anna eating by herself, so one day my friend I invited her to sit with us. Little did we know she was very different than all of us and she believed everything we told her. As the semester progressed people at the table would not necessarily be mean to her but would make jokes and comments about her while she was sitting at the other end of the table. It was my idea to invite her to sit with us but it was not my intentions for her to be the center of our conversation everyday at lunch. Before the semester was over she stopped sitting with us and we never really saw her or ran into her again. I should of stuck up for her more because after all I was the one who asked her to sit with us.

Well I wish a bystander would have stepped in to help Anna from my lunch. Everyone in the cafeteria knew she sat with us and knew that our table made fun of her but not one person the entire semester came up to us and said anything. Even teachers and assistant principles who monitored the lunch knew about what our intentions were and they never stepped in either. The poor girl did not have any friends and no one ever took the opportunity to really get to know her, to ask her about her personal and home life. Everyone in that lunch room was pretty naive, even myself and some of my closet friends.

College students do not speak up to wrong doing simple because they do not want to stand out. They see someone who needs help but they ask themselves is it really their place to step in? Shouldn't someone closer to that person step in and help them. I believe most college students mainly are afraid of embarrassment, they are almost ashamed to help some they do not know, let alone someone they will most likely never see again.

Monday, September 21, 2009



Right out of high school coming up with priorities has proved to be a difficult task. But the summer before I came to the University of Oklahoma I came up with four priorities that I could follow for the next four years here. Faith, Family, School and Friendship.


Is my number one priority. Having a relationship with God is the most important thing in my life. Because without him I would not be the person I am today. He is my guidance. He never leads me in the wrong direction. And every struggle or hardship that I go through, he is with me, giving me strength and endurance to handle it all.


Is my second priority because at the end of the day, your family has been with you since the beginning. My mom, dad, brother, and even my two dogs mean the world to me. It's important to keep in touch with them this year and to go home and visit as often as I. I would not be here at OU without my mom and dad. Their constant love and support has driven me to find success here and to continue to strive for bigger and better things in my future.


Is my third priority because education is the key to a successful life and future. Every decision I make here at OU from now until 2013 will play a positive or negative role in the life ahead of me. Doing well in my classes is the reason why I am here. Having fun and making friends is also important but making good grades and establishing a name for myself comes first above all things.


Is my fourth and finally priority. My goal is to not only make new friends and establish friendships here at OU but I want to continue to have the friendships that I left back home. Without the friends in high school that I had, my life would not be the same. Jenna, Parker, Adam, Jim and many more all contributed to making my high school experience worth while and I owe it to them to remain close to them.

Monday, September 14, 2009


"You were given this life because your strong enough to live it."

My past 18 years on Earth I have influenced by many individuals but the one who has influenced me the most is my mom. As cliche as it is she is my best friend and my hero. In October of 2007 my mom was diagnosed with Stage Two Breast Cancer. I remember every aspect of the day she told me, it was the worst day of my life. I felt the entire day as if I was moving in slow motion. Not too long after my mom told me she underwent her first chemotherapy treatment. It caused her to become very sick fast. The chemotherapy treatments continued and when my mom shaved her head and told me with an uplifting spirit that "She was in control, not the cancer." She cut all her hair off before the chemotherapy had the chance to make it fall out. This action that my mom first took is what opened my eyes to the extraordinary woman that she is. She went through eight chemo treatments and not once did she complain or questioned why such a terrible thing happened to her. Her faith in God grew tremendously within the next year and propelled her to go through surgery and radiation treatments. It was not until late June of 2008 when I was told "It's not about what happens to you, it's how you handle what happens." This opened my eyes to everything that had gone on in the past year of my life. That no matter how many times I questioned why this happened to my mom, being sad about it was no way to live. From that point on I became an optimist. The glass was no longer half empty but half full. My mom is THE strongest person I know. And that is no exaggeration, she is a gifted, talented, extraordinary woman. Without her being in my life I would not be the person I am today. She has inspired me to go after my dreams of changing the world and making a difference. She has shaped me into a stronger Christian and I am so lucky to call her my hero and my best friend.

"Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end."

"The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still." Exodus 14:14

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

All About Me

My name is Amy Dickey
I'm majoring in Political Science and minoring in Pre-Law.
I hope to become a lawyer or keynote speaker.
I am a new member of Alpha Omicron Pi.
My dream is this simple... I want to change the world :)

My best friend is Jenna Yosten.
We love making youtube videos together.
She goes to TCU.
We are 180 miles apart.
She is pretty much my sister and I don't know what I would do without her.

"You can always tell when two people are best friends because they're always having way more fun than it makes sense for them to be having."

I am a caring person with a big heart and I want to make a difference in this world. I believe that so many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half-asleep, even when they're busy doing things they think are important. This is because they're chasing the wrong things. The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning.


Taking Pictures
Oklahoma Football
Grey's Anatomy
August 11, 2009 :)
Summer '07
Oklahoma Sooners