Monday, October 19, 2009



ATTITUDE is said to be everything.

That your life and your happiness revolve around your ATTITUDE.

When accomplishing group tasks ATTITUDE is one of the factors that plays a role in rather your group project is going to be successful or not. A negative ATTITUDE will lead to misunderstandings and disagreements between the group members. The negativity in the group will be the members downfall, which will cause them to lose motivation towards the group's ultimate goal. A positive ATTITUDE on the other hand sets up an environment where the group members can rely on one another. Their is room for growth and positive change when this attitude is put into factor. The glass being seen as half full will always have better overall outcomes than looking at the glass half empty.

Patricia Finch has influenced me for four years now. It began Sophomore year, I was just another student in her Pre-Ap Algebra 2 Class. It was towards the end of the year and she had missed several days in class because her mom was sick in the hospital. Later on more days passed and when she returned to school we were informed that her mother had passed away. With such a tragedy occurring in her life she still returned to school. Her attitude of keeping on even when things are completely unfair and not going her way; she still returned to be a teacher at Boswell High School. My relationship with Ms. Finch only grew from there. She was the student council sponsor and encouraged me to get involved at the end of my sophomore year. I grew as a leader because of her. My senior year I was elected as Student Body President and became an extraordinary leader because she believed in me. I'm the person I am today because her. Her courageous attitude about life is something I admire the most about her. She is an amazing woman, one of a kind, and her uplifting spirit and attitude has touched not only my life but every student that has ever stepped into her classroom.

"Our Attitude Are Our Most Important Assets."

When a problem arises how one handles the problem depends on one's attitude. Every decision one makes, attitude has a role in the outcome of the decision. Pretty much attitude is an everyday factor in our lives. It's more than an unseen verb, it's an action. An action that develops the lives not only of our own but the lives we influence around us. A positive or negative attitude shapes a person and it is a factor in everything that we do.

"If you don't like something CHANGE IT. If you can't CHANGE IT...CHANGE the way you think about it." - Mary Englebreit

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